Every Friday, the Center for Interfaith Relations encourages a specific action intended to strengthen the community. Since launching in April, the series has uplifted dozens of nonprofits helping diverse populations. At times, we’ve recommended actions as simple as remembering to vote or checking on friends or family who are living alone. The overarching theme: to show care and compassion for each other and our communities.

This week’s #CommonAction highlights the Mayor’s Give A Day, a celebration of community service carried out with the support of Metro United Way. And this year, it’s lasting all month long! Mayor Greg Fischer said: “Whether you give an hour, a day, donate blood, give food, clothing or simply help a neighbor, everyone can do something!” Each spring, volunteers span Louisville to commit selfless acts of compassion. Neighbors clean up streets and parks, collect goods for people in need, and repair homes. They read to students, mentor, assemble care packages – and much more.

Click here for volunteer opportunities or to learn more.

